
In 2016 Informa underwent major change. It was at that time that I led what is now the Informa Connect brand and design team in executing brand design for more than 800 international business information products. I provided guidance, design direction and general oversight for the rebrand all of these products within a six month period out of New York City. Initially we partnered with Ernst & Young to transition what was very dispersed collection of businesses located in dozens of countries around the globe to consolidate, rejuvenate and reinvent the way in which the business operated as a whole. Visit Infroma Connect’s “About Us” page to get a brief summary of what our business is all about.

Imagery by Luminous

Imagery by Luminous

Informa Connect

Informa Connect was formed after Informa purchased UBM for $5.2 Billion in 2018. Prior to my leadership position at Informa I was the Creative Director at the Institute for International Research and my focus revolved mostly around design execution across multiple media channels. In this new role I was advising numerous teams operating in many capacities on brand strategy, brand architecture, digital transformation, omnichannel design execution, and marketing automation to name only a few points of focus. It was an enormous undertaking and the new role was a significant leap for my career.

Informa Connect design

Pictured above is Informa Connect corporate brand imagery. It was designed by Luminous Brand Agency under the leadership of Graham Jerome-Ball. It was uniquely designed to exist under the Informa parent corporate brand. One key facet of my role is to bridge the gap between Informa’s corporate branding and Informa Connect’s product branding.


Informa corporate branding and Informa Connect product branding employ two totally distinct design systems. The functionality of the two systems is quite different as well. One aspires to assert the name of a 14,000 employee FTSE 100 business while the other encapsulates the marketing functions of a multitude of individual product brands.

our style guide

As we made these enormous transitions internally, confusion amongst employees was inevitable. It became very important to clearly articulate the two branding approaches from one another. The Informa Connect style guide was created to not only provide guidance on the design styles that were to represent Informa Connect’s market facing products but also to help distinguish it from the Informa corporate brand. The Nalla Design Group based in London has been our partners in making all of this happen.

Winning awards

I’ve worked intimately with them since 2016 managing design and branding across the business and in 2017 the teams won multiple awards from Transform Magazine for this effort. It’s probably also worth mentioning that the Informa Connect central marketing team won “Best Marketing Team” at the 2019 Conference Awards (note: we were formerly known as KNect365).