Working with Julie Anixter

In 2019 Julie Anixter, former executive director of the AIGA became the chair of FUSE. She and I worked very closely for months to curate the event (see my podcast interview with Julie here). The theme of 2019 was “Design and Business: A New Unity,” based on the Bauhaus tagline from 100 years earlier, “Design and Technology: A New Unity”. Because I’d been so close to FUSE for many years I took the design work on myself with the intention of carrying this Bauhaus theme throughout.

Red, yellow and blue or pinks and greys?

One main point of discussion I’d had with Julie was to use red, yellow and blue instead of the usual FUSE color palette of pink, blues and greys. But I felt the this may stray too far from the FUSE branding so we went with keeping the color palette but integrating a more Bauhaus inspired approach to the graphics for the FUSE marketing collateral. 

Ken Kocienda at FUSE 2019

Ken Kocienda at FUSE 2019

FUSE Speaking Faculty

The speaking faculty for FUSE 2019 was top notch including Todd Waterbury, Chief Creative Officer at Target, Lauren Cascio, Design Director at Microsoft HoloLens, Ken Kocienda, author of Creative Selection: Inside Apple’s Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs, and many more. (See more here.)

From bauhaus to our house

We repurposed the Tom Wolf title “From Bauhaus to Our House” in our PR release. I did a lot of research on Bauhaus and I used my Pinterest board curate imagery.


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I did many experiments with the designs and went back and forth with Julie and the teams for feedback.


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FUSE on my pinterest board

I became a little obsessed with Bauhaus and ended up using my Pinterest board as a main source of collected Bauhaus inspiration. (Check the boards on my page here.)